Friday, May 11, 2012

Frequencies of last letters in Turkish

Relative frequencies of last letters of words in Turkish.


 - 90% of the words in Turkish text end with only 11 of the letters in the alphabet.
- A large number of the letters in the alphabet are seen at the end of the words in small amounts (less than 1%).
- Frequencies are computed from Hurriyet and Zaman newspapers using columnist articles between 2001 and 2011.- The graph contains all letters with frequencies exceeding 0.001%.
- Note that letters w, x, q, and é are not part of the Turkish alphabet. They are used to write foreign words.


End of word letters in Turkish text.
Letter Frequency     Letter  Frequency
n      15.814%       h       0.324%
e      13.198%       f       0.313%
a      11.533%       d       0.237%
r      11.367%       o       0.217%
i      11.179%       b       0.141%
ı       7.690%       v       0.124%
k       6.714%       î       0.076%
u       4.092%       g       0.070%
m       3.624%       â       0.061%
z       2.716%       ğ       0.054%
l       2.515%       j       0.037%
t       2.179%       c       0.032%
ş       1.482%       w       0.025%
p       1.196%       x       0.025%
ü       1.075%       ö       0.003%
s       0.645%       û       0.001%
ç       0.625%       q       0.001%
y       0.612%       é       0.001%

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